The Owner

I am a daughter, a sister, a niece, a cousin, a friend. I am a partner, a worker, a young girl and a grown woman. I am scared and confident, terrified and excited. I am caring and loving. I am shy and friendly. I am hardworking and determined, but a little scared on the inside. I pray to Allah and cry my tears. I smile on the outside, while im dying on the inside. one more thing I do believe in what they say a 'TRUE LOVE'. -Elly-


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Attention ! jom kerja dengan aku :)

title bajet aku BOS kan ? -.-

seriously. tengah memerlukan seorang pekerja untuk bahagian receptionist.

tahu tak apa tu receptionist ? meh aku bagitahu.

When we enter any office, the first person to greet us is the receptionist. She creates the first impression of the company, and reflects the attitude of the company. A smart, polite receptionist makes a positive impression on visitors and makes them feel confident about the company.

hamboi cakap omputih.. haha. aku copy paste dari google. terima kasih pakcik google :)

meh aku translate kan.korang selalu pergi office office yang ada meja dekat depan tu pastu ada somoene yg akan senyum. dok sensorang. tu lah receptionist. tak paham ? search sendiri -.-

kerja kerja receptionist

-menerima pelawat dan menjawab pertanyaan #bukan tanya soalan PMR atau SPM :p
-menjawab panggilan telefon. #yang biasa kita dengar 'hello selamat pagi! bla bla bla...'
-paperwork #register nama pelawat and so on...lalalal
-setting appoinments
-bla bla bla

hahahah.yang last jangan percaya! yang tu khas untuk aku. so anyone ? i think ni urgent lah. sebab one of the staff dah nak bersalin. so get ready lah kan.. 

dont ask me about the salary. its not me that employ you !during the interview they will explain as much as you want :p basically yang takde experience first three months they get RM800 .negotiable lah sng cter. so then if you already have an experience maybe can reach until one thousand and plus plus.hahaha .MAYBE ! and maybe just like me.gaji aku ? haha biar lah rahsia. nama pon swasta :)

syarat syarat memohon. *amboiiii

-Perempuan #not a boy also middle2.hahah
-Muda #lepasan SPM pon boleh :)
-boleh bertutur dalam bahasa melayu dan english. # asal kau paham apa orang tu cakap dah cukup dah :)
-duduk KL ye 
-ada transport sendiri #jangan menyusahkan orang -.-
-yang suka senyum #just like me :) aumm aummm ! haha

berminat ?

boleh contact aku dekat Facebook aku. bagi lah meseg ke nak add ke hape ke. terpulang. tapi please. beradab ye sayang :)
memang tak banyak info aku bagitahu. so kalau nak tahu kena lah tanya aku. terima kasih.

#ganjaran bagi mereka yang memohon jawatan ini. dapat jumpa aku.huahua. *perasan diri fofular -.-


akuadalahaku.. ^_^ said...

bos saya nk krja.. heee ^_^

Elly Othman said... maen maen ke hape.haha :p

akuadalahaku.. ^_^ said...

maen2 ja la.. ika tgl dkt penang..^_^

Elly Othman said...

hahaha yelahhhh :p